
The recruitment of foster carers within the local Muslim communities

Recruitment is broken down into the following areas:

  • Strengthening engagements and relationships with connections within the local Muslim / BAME community
  • Recruitment events aimed at the Muslim/BAME community. A foster carer recruitment service

Faith and Cultural Support

Faith and cultural support for foster carers

Faith and cultural support are broken down into the following areas:

  • My Foster Family national monthly Foster Friday Webinar and Q&A Event
  • Celebration events aimed at foster carers in the Muslim / BAME community and foster carers with Muslim children / cross-cultural placements
  • Educational gift packs / gift boxes for foster carers for various religious occasions for Muslims
  • Support with guidance documents around Islam and foster care. Online faith and cultural literacy education events for foster carers / care professionals
  • Face to face faith and cultural literacy training. Support network of Muslim foster carers and care professionals
  • Buddy Programme

Fostering Support

Support for the fostering team

Fostering support is broken down into the following areas:

  • Email support and access to faith-based advice on any individual cases
  • Support with guidance documents around Islam and foster care
  • Online faith and cultural literacy education events for foster carers / care professionals
  • Participation in any national learning groups and education events and research
  • Providing a Muslim / BAME member for the fostering panel
  • Faith and cultural literacy training for the fostering team specific around the Muslim community that can also include a service review